As of 1/1/2016 we no longer offer property search on our web site. WHY you may ask.... are we crazy? Maybe, but we do not want to become "door openers". We want to work for you! We will review your requirements and setup a custom MLS search that will save you time, headaches and offer you properties that are real, available and professionally listed.
In most cases we can have your property searches setup the same day! I know you want it right now but please believe having a custom search and a few minutes to review your requirements with us will make your property search unique and successful.
A property portal weblink will be created that will list NEW Properties, Price Changes, Re-Activated Listings and any broker listed auctions IMMEDIATELY as they hit the market. We can set up your search to notify you as little or often as you wish, this data will be accurate and available to you 24/7.
Knowing what you're searching for is very important. Knowing your criteria will allow us to take note of potential opportunities for you and point them out.
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